Saturday, January 10, 2009

10 Days Until Change...but Will It?

There are 10 days until Barack Obama is sworn in as our next President. Obama ran on the promise of change and given our country's situation we need plenty of it. I know Barack has every intention of making things better, but we are already seeing the politics of Washington rear its ugly head this week after Obama's stimulus plan speech on Thursday. Both side of the aisle were complaining about this or that. How can we put our trust in the hands of rich men and women that have no clue about what the American people are going through? Are they going to get laid off and lose their homes within a few months? Are they going to have to work the rest of their lives because their retirement accounts aren't worth jack? I think how can they judge a plan and bicker over who gets what? Our Senators and Congressman are so out of touch it makes me sick.

Barack gets it...he has been one of us most of his life and understands having to struggle. I only hope his leadership can fix things in Washington so that we can get out of this mess. God bless President Obama and God bless the entire world.

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