Friday, October 31, 2008 Election Results

My two daughters voted on the the web site last week. It is a site to capture teen votes for Tuesday's election. Obama won by a landslide 59-41% and only lost 6 states. The statistics are very interesting as well...especially the ethnicity stats. I hope this is a good barometer of Tuesday's election since many teen's political views reflect their parents views. I know my 11 year old daughter has been influenced by my views and voted for Obama. She does really like him and enjoys watching him speak. I asked my 9 year old about her vote and she said she voted for Obama. I asked her why and she said, "because McCain is for the war in Iraq and we are sending too many young people over there." Damn good reasoning for a 9 year old!

4 Days to Go!

Well there are four days until the election on Tuesday. The polls are still leaning toward an Obama victory and the Republicans are up to their usual BS tactics...sending out flyers telling people that election day has moved, scaring people with legal issues not to vote or they will be arrested at the polls, and their normal legal wrangling. I don't understand why they just can't be graceful losers. I wish they would step back and say, "we know we screwed up this country to the point of bankruptcy, the world hates us, and we are in an energy crisis...let's see what you can do" if Obama wins. It should be that simple.

Sara Palin is really a piece of work. It looks like she has turned on a losing campaign and is working to set herself up for a further leadership position within the Republican party...what a joke. Her whole nomination is a joke. If they lose does she actually think that she will be the next leader...hell no, and I am not even a Republican. The good old boys of the party will sweep her ass under the rug faster than a cockroach in a five star restaurant.

Well enough of my ramblings for now. I plan to blog on Tuesday and Wednesday as the returns come in. I plan to stay up all night until a winner is declared and I hope to celebrate at some point in time. I don't even want to think of an Obama loss!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Voted Today

I cast my vote today for this year's Presidential election and now can't wait for all of this to be over. I am tired of both sides talking out of the same talking points for the past couple of months. Well at least the Democrats have had the same message. McCain/Palin are all over the map.

To those that know me, and by reading this BLOG, everyone knows who I voted for. Barack Obama is simply the right person for this job and someone who can lead a very divided country into a new time for the US. We are in a serious inflection point in our history and the wrong choice could be a huge mistake for the US and our future. I worry about my girls and what future they will have if things don't get fixed in the US and around the world. A 72 year old man and an idiot VP are not the right choice. Cleaning up the mess of the Bush administration is going to take lot of energy and time and that is something McCain doesn't have. I look forward to celebrating an Obama victory next Tuesday night!

For those that have not voted yet, please do so. As the old saying goes, "If you don't vote, you can't bitch!"