Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Voted Today

I cast my vote today for this year's Presidential election and now can't wait for all of this to be over. I am tired of both sides talking out of the same talking points for the past couple of months. Well at least the Democrats have had the same message. McCain/Palin are all over the map.

To those that know me, and by reading this BLOG, everyone knows who I voted for. Barack Obama is simply the right person for this job and someone who can lead a very divided country into a new time for the US. We are in a serious inflection point in our history and the wrong choice could be a huge mistake for the US and our future. I worry about my girls and what future they will have if things don't get fixed in the US and around the world. A 72 year old man and an idiot VP are not the right choice. Cleaning up the mess of the Bush administration is going to take lot of energy and time and that is something McCain doesn't have. I look forward to celebrating an Obama victory next Tuesday night!

For those that have not voted yet, please do so. As the old saying goes, "If you don't vote, you can't bitch!"

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