Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fiorina Dumped Again - It's Karma!

I know said I wouldn't make this blog a rant about Carly Fiorina, but after her comments about McCain not being able to run a large corporation like HP she has been put out to pasture. The timing couldn't have been any worse for the "Maverick" given the financial market meltdown this week. You know a lot of ex HP and Compaq employees are giggling to themselves!

The below excerpt is from CNN.

A top McCain official contacted by CNN said, on condition on anonymity, "No big deal, but not how you get on the surrogate all-star team. Very Biden-like."

“This campaign source said Fiorina would be discouraged from additional media interviews.

Another top campaign adviser was far less diplomatic.

"Carly will now disappear," this source said. "Senator McCain was furious." Asked to define "disappear," this source said, adding that she would be off TV for a while – but remain at the Republican National Committee and keep her role as head of the party’s joint fundraising committee with the McCain campaign.

Fiorina was booked for several TV interviews over the next few days, including one on CNN. Those interviews have been canceled.

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