Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fiorina Faux Pas

No...I am not trying to continually bash Carly Fiorina, but I couldn't pass this one up. Appearing on a radio show today in St. Louis she was asked if Palin was qualified to run a company like HP. “No, I don’t,” Fiorina answered. “But that’s not what she’s running for. Running a corporation is a different set of things."

In a follow up interview with MSNBC she was asked about the comment and she said that the other three principals in the Presidential race couldn't run a major corporation either...and apparently, based on her past history, she can't either. The incredible thing is that the President of the United States will be managing the largest economy in the world and an organization that is larger than any major corporation. For her to say her own candidate isn't qualified is incredible. I feel the economy issue will totally tilt the playing field toward Obama, especially with people like Fiorina as McCain's chief economic advisor making comments like this saying he isn't qualified to run a corporation...love it!

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